SKL Virtual Book Club

Dear KU Community,

As many of you know, we had to cancel the Book Club Talk planned for March 2020 due to the pandemic and we spent some time brainstorming about the possibility of continuing the events online. When we believed everybody adjusted to the life at home one way or another, we gathered suggestions for the new virtual book club talks with an open call to the KU community and asked for volunteers to moderate some of the sessions.

In November 2020 we started the SKL Virtual Book Club Talks with Albert Camus’ “The Plague”. What a session! There were many members of the KU community who were interested in the book and joined us, to share their ideas. We usually get help from our dear Student Ambassadors (SA) during the talks, but at that time an exchange student moderated the session from Germany!

After the first virtual book club talk our dear work&study student İrem Uyum from MAVA department helped us with the announcement visuals that we are still using! She was very interested in the book club talks and helped us in many sessions like in December with the “The Diary of a Madman” by Nikolai Gogol and with the “Notes from the Underground” by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky. After her work&study duty finished, she and dear Seray Temür helped us moderate the session of the “Room of One’s Own” by Virginia Woolf, in January 2021.

Our Student Ambassadors team came up with the idea of sharing Instagram stories about the author of the month. Funda Ayas who is a new member of our SA team created the first visuals for Gabriel García Márquez. And our exchange student ambassador Estefania Lapenna was the moderator for “Love in the Time of Cholera” in April, a little while before she graduated. Nimet Öksüz who is a work&study student also helped us with the session.

In June we read “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee and Lara Soğancı, another SA, was the moderator. July’s book was “The Kite Runner” by Khaled Hosseini and SA Erinç Dokuyucu was the moderator. Erinç and Lara also helped us with the author stories that we shared on Instagram.

In August we have a month break and we will continue our virtual book club talks in September with Ahmet Ümit’s “Flock: Try Them As Gold”.

You can check our LibGuide for the books to be read till the end of the year.

Suna Kıraç Library always loves to work with students in various events and is grateful for all the support it has received in this and in other activities! We hope this continues in the new semester.

If you are interested in the book club talks you can always send an email to Ebru Çinar (

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